For those who are looking for wrought iron solutions for their windows or balconies, here are some samples from Italy, and one from Spain:

Beautiful iron grids for windows in Chioggia (VE)

wrought iron grids for round windows in Venice

Canal railing in Venice

wrought iron grating for windows, including the window above the entrance door, Venice

stunning facade in Venice

pretty eyes for a wooden door in Venice

unusual red, window protection in Venice, flick find via Donna Corless

entrance in Venice

entrance to a shop at Piazza San Marco, Venice

lattice above the Zegna shop in Venice

Roman iron by dmmaus via flickr

Beautiful wrought iron work for a window in Pizzo (Calabria)

in the neighbourhood in Pizzo

white balcony balustrades in Tropea (Calabria)

Tropea, same style, different
palazzo with beautiful iron balcony in Lipari (Eolie islands)

window dressing with blue iron and iron flowers on the vulcano island Stomboli (Eolie islands)

blue balcony balustrade in Stromboli
(click on picture to enlarge) 
Balcony in Stromboli

Last but not least: Spain - beautiful flickr find via lyngy
When you are in particular interested in one of the wrought iron work design in the picture, click on the picture to enlarge for details.*
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Toma,aka The Antiques Diva
What a fantastic collection. The Spanish one for me please - all of them.
ReplyDeleteI would have one at the drop of a hat but the National Parks don't allow them :(