July 26, 2011

Good Morning Pizzo !

We made it !
We moved in ! Although the moving truck already delivered tons of boxes over two years ago !

We finally spent the first night in our house in Pizzo !

We survived the night - everything was new ... one moskito disturbed our sleep and the blue movement control light that switches on whenever you move was a bit strange too, but it helped to find the way to the bathroom. The newly aquired matresses, bed sheets and pillows are very comfortable.
But above all, the sound of the waves was fantastic !

The breakfast photo, that looks so beautiful,  is a bit of staging though ... I have to admit....

1) I usually do not eat Choco Pops for breakfast (only today, since I had no other choice).
2) My son, who eats this, however did not want to join me for breakfast in the sun, he prefered the kitchen counter inside
3) CC and Angelo were absent too; they went for a morning walk like always and planned to have breakfast at Belvedere (!)
4) the two espresso cups are empty because the espresso machine had the wrong (Chinese) plug! And the other espresso machine that would have worked, we had forgotten in Vibo Marina...

I am enjoying myself very much! We all do !

Lunch, however, we have again at Hotel Mamma in Vibo Marina, as usual. The only way to publish this post... (I need to find out how to blog with my phone). Also a chance to pack the other espresso machine - and to borrow a dining tabel! Angelo will transport it to our house on top of his car after the siesta.


  1. Congratulations on your new home! It's a good sign, that you could sleep comfortably in the new bed, isn't it. :-)

  2. AnonymousJuly 27, 2011


    what do you need more than that?
    In your shoes I would even sleep on that terrace. I'm glad that you are enjoying everything, it's a satisfaction for you all and for Angelo too. And guests are coming from all over the world, oh gosh, just in time!

    I do warn you with Belvedere, leave some tartufo ice cream for me too!
    Buona notte a tutti,

  3. Congratulations!!!!! whew! has it been 4 years or 3? i wish i was joining you for breakfast right there on your beautiful terrace.

    much happiness in your new-old home.

  4. Dear Joni,

    thank you so much for all your long distance support over the years, 4 or 5 ? I feel very honored that you would join me for breakfast - maybe one day you will?!

    Do you know, that your blog sends me most of my readers!?! Thank you for that too!!!

    from Italy

  5. Ciao Fiorella,

    there are still Tonino and Mimmo working in the seminterrato! Taglianno e mettano la battiscopa... che ancora tanta polvere....

    And sand still falls of the vaulted ceiling. Angelo will try to fix it with a special liquid soon.

    Ha ha, tartuffi, che ogni giorno se voi!

    A presto!

  6. Michelle, danke!
    es gibt noch soviel zu tun!
    Uraub faengt vielleicht naechste Woche an :-)

  7. Dear Suzie,
    congrats! What a view for breakfast. Enjoy your lovely, lovely home and the sun.
    All the best,
